Additional services
Site map
Tree of parts of web site
Deliveryand Subscription
Module allow to delivery mail to subscibers. Each subscriber can have different categories of subscription. Also system include automatic mail delivery script that prepare and send lettars automaticaly.
Poll system allow users to take patt in voiting process for different questions.
Set home page / Add to favorites
Typical services that can be done using web browser or links on site
Send to friend
Service allow user to send link to page to his friends using form on web site.
Print version
CMS consist submodule that allow to get print version of each page.
Statistic system
Opportunities of the module::
- Data about visitors: when came, whence, how many pages looked through, how many time visited a site for a month, all time;
- Search engines: when and how many income, search words;
- Referers and domains: from where come, when, how many income, referers url;
- Parts of site: visiting of parts, include cataloges categories, elements;
- Languges: visiting of languages;
- Search words: analysys of all words;
- Behaviour of visitors on a site: referers, path on a site;
Possibility of other statistics, for example count of item orders, files downloading, etc.