Wallpapers and Screensavers
Module allow users to download different media files like screensavers and wallpapers
SImple module on web server (with link on it from web site) that allow users get stream audio / video of TV / Radio chanel.
Web camera
Tha same as Live based on web camera, that can be located in studio
List of articles that can be separated by Zodiac signs
Top 10 music
Module allow visitors to vote for different elements of Top10 list. Based on that voting system output leaders each week. Module usefull for radio stations.
Mp3 downloads
Music archive module that allow visitors to look for different music files by several criterias: name of artist, year of publication, category and so on.
Photo gallery
Module allow users to post there foto on server, join them to albumes, show them to other visitors and so on. Voting subsystem allow to provide competition between authors.
Module allow users take part in different quiz
Online postcards
Users can send e-postcards by setting date of send, address, comment. System also allow to attach music files to e-postcards.
System contains the big number of ready modules for every possible tasks. Application of ready solutions helps to reduce time of development of a site and to do it on testing software. Accordingly cost of development of a site on CMS decreases in comparison with development of a site without CMS. |