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System allow special users get additional bonus from Eshop. Discounts basis on sum of all purchase, on special actions for item or other criteria


Couple of files that can be download by users.


Module allow to communicate Eshop with information system of company (using XML - RPC, CSV or other format / protocol).

Filters and sorting

Subsystem allow users to get list of items using special criteria of item, for example "get list of camera with 10Mpx matrix and 3x optical zoom".  Also Eshop allow users to get info on several way of sorting (by name. by brand, by price and so on).


Each item in Eshop can have special properties that united in groups. For example camera can have such fields: zoom, matrix, brand,  predefine programs, night mode and so on.


Basis on properties compare module allow user to look at several items on one page with a list  of properties.


Module allow to make purchase of several items in one order. Also module can provide payment events for making all process online.


Eshop has a list of items that separated by categories. Each category can have special properties, that allow to store in one Eshop different items (camera, TV, auto ...)


System contains the big number of ready modules for every possible tasks. Application of ready solutions helps to reduce time of development of a site and to do it on testing software. Accordingly cost of development of a site on CMS decreases in comparison with development of a site without CMS.

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