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Basic functionality


Search system on all site. Consist of simple and advanced search, that include part of site field. Simple search form usual located on all pages.

Registration service

Registration allow system to determine special kind of visitors that can have advanced possibilities on web site. For example: have discount in web shop, post messages on forum, use chat system and so on.


Blocks is usefull subsystem that allow to manipulate output of default blocks on site (news list, search form. menu and so on). Administrator can add new blocks, change existing, set rules of output for several blocks to output on several parts of site.

Blocks also can be dynamical (for information, that get from DB) or static (f.e. banner place, counters, partners link).

SEO (search engine optimization)

CMS has 5 levels of SEO:

  • automatical keyword generation (meta keyword) from the content of site;
  • automatical title generation (include all parent parts, and title of element);
  • automatical description generation (meta description);
  • special keywords and description for parts of site (defined by admin for more powerfull SEO);
  • special URL (using mod_rewrite) that allow to present web site as a static HTML web site;

If it neccesary we can advance that system by include URL for each element of web site (by default elements represent in url by ID number). Also each category can have itself URL. Also fields of keywords / description for elements of catalogs can ve add, so SEO manager can have all instruments for his job.

Cache system

Our company have an advanced expirience on development of high visited wev sites. Most visited web site (www.5tv.com.ua) that made by us was visiting by 100 000 users (700 000 hits) per day (record was established on period of "Orange Revolution").

CMS have 3 levels of cache:

  • cache of blocks (and central part content too);
  • cache of all page as static HTML;
  • cache on web proxy and local computer (by generation special headers);

Static pages

Simple page in CMS that allow to output content in way that defined by content manager (using web editor).

Admin area

Administrative area that allow managers to manipulate all systems of site


System contains the big number of ready modules for every possible tasks. Application of ready solutions helps to reduce time of development of a site and to do it on testing software. Accordingly cost of development of a site on CMS decreases in comparison with development of a site without CMS.

Webo products


Dance project (STB)
Medusa trading house
OSV Technology
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165068590 Webo
+380(66) 704-0539;  +380(67) 505-1790;  +380(44) (+380 44) 206-32-33