Developed functionality CMS has been created during work above many sites. CMS already used in Internet entertaining projects, electronic commerce, and in Internet / intranet systems, in corporate sites and so on.
The basic idea was creation of system that allow to separate data, functionality and representation. It has allowed to create the functionality processing various structures of data. Thus transition from data of one kind to other data did not demand copying same modules. Besides it the same data due to application of various templates it is possible to deduce absolutely differently.
System is constructed with mod_rewrite module, allowing to interpret presence of files and folders on a server (useful for SEO). It allows to solve at once some problems:
- optimization of site for search engines;
- caching pages on intermediate proxy-servers;
- known URLs (for example, mysite.com/products/instead of mysite.com/index.php? module=products or mysite.com/index.php? module=547);
Due to it developers set structure of future site through the administrative interface. Structure of site represents as tree of sections. Each section contains name, relative url, description and set of other parameters.
System is divided on 2 parts: the administrative interface and system of displaing of pages of site. Actually developers seldom change files of the administrative interface, setting only structure of a site and changing design of templates.
System contains the big number of ready modules for every possible tasks. Application of ready solutions helps to reduce time of development of a site and to do it on testing software. Accordingly cost of development of a site on CMS decreases in comparison with development of a site without CMS.
Webo CMS
Serves to modulate quickly, conveniently and qualitatively, designed to create and maintain Web-resources.
«Webo CMS» – universal system, meant for convenient, quick and qualitative modulation, design and maintenance of Web-resources.