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Webo CMS

Webo CMS

Serves to modulate quickly, conveniently and qualitatively, designed to create and maintain Web-resources.

«Webo CMS» – universal system, meant for convenient, quick and qualitative modulation, design and maintenance of Web-resources.

System management is being performed through simple, intuitive interface, in virtue of which a complicated process of writing - programming the Web-resource, reduces itself to vivid, integral designing of resource functionality and content by means of supplying system with simple orders.

«Webo CMS» enables to operate not only program components of Your resource, but also easily and conveniently format elements of it's design - insert and change images, correct page layout etc.

Thus, «Webo CMS» system facilitates work of Web-programming specialists, as well as of Web-designers, that leads to cost cutout, time saving for designing and maintenance of Your resource.

User (moderators and administrator) doesn't need to know thoroughly HTML, script languages and SQL. Work with «Webo CMS» is being done by means of IE5.5 (or higher). «Webo CMS» is being installed at the server and its access is password protected.

Some of main, basic capabilities of «Webo CMS» are:

  • resource structure management;
  • management of resource information filling;
  • synchronization of various Data Bases (replicating on XML and CSV level);
  • support of multiuser architecture;
  • control and scheduling of user access to Web-resource sections;
  • organisation of mail dispatch;
  • performing of pollings at the Web-resource and examination of their results;
  • organization of electronic commerce;
  • multilingual support at the Web-resource;
  • editing of any static inscriptions (texts) of Web-resource;
  • maintenance of a log of actions of «Webo CMS» users;
  • wide range of ready plugins for insuring majority of resource demands;
  • easy and fast creation of new plugins;
  • management of data with various set of properties.

Operation and maintenance of Web-resource by means of «Webo CMS» is organized taking into account cashing, minimization of Web-resource installation speed on computers and minimization of server charge.

Demo: http://www.cms.webo.com.ua/eng/
Admin area: http://www.cms.webo.com.ua/admin/ (login: admin_e, password: admin)


The wide set of functions is provided by rapid creation of the prepared decisions. Using of system on many sites provides permanent development and guarantees reliability of application.

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+380(66) 704-0539;  +380(67) 505-1790;  +380(44) (+380 44) 206-32-33